Storytelling by Stephen Burke
Hi, I’m Stephen Burke, a writer and author based in Sandpoint, Idaho. As a marketer, I have 20+ years of experience with top brands, ranging broadly from taglines to outdoor guides and white papers. That includes print, digital, social, email, employer branding, ESG reporting, newsletters and experimenting with emerging social platforms. Portfolio 1 and Portfolio 2 show the breadth of that work.
In the last several years, my skill set has expanded from the creative to include SEO, SEM and the data-driven approach taken by that side of the marketing brain.
Fiction is how I got started in writing. I formed writing groups in Boston and Seattle while slowly learning the craft and the art. After earning my MFA in creative writing as a Graduate Writing Fellow at Columbia University, I turned my thesis into a self-published novel titled The Chieftains of South Boston. This site has posts on the political and underworld history woven into the story.
I finished my second novel, The Mahoneys of West Seattle, in 2021. More info on that here. In 2022, I moved to the Ipswich, Massachusetts, area to reacquaint myself with the community and to volunteer on a local farm, all research for my third novel, Ipswich, Mon Amour, due out in 2025.
To contact me, you can reach out at ContactWriterBurke at gmail dot com.